The future concept ship, called “NYK Super Eco-ship 2030”, is a container ship.
“NYK Super Eco-ship 2030” is designed aiming at achieving about 70% CO2 reduction in the marine transportation and commercializing the eco-ship up to around 2030. New technologies, which are theoretically feasible, but not yet commercialized, will be used for the future ship.
NYK LINE = Nippon Yusen Kabushiki Kaisha
The following will be achieved in the future eco-ship:
1) To reduce the propulsion required for driving the ship by reducing the ship weight and friction resistance, and
2) To use LNG-fueled fuel cells, solar power and wind power for propulsion power.
69% reduction of CO2 emission per container unit will be realized by using the combination of those power sources.
[Copyright by FuelCell japan]
Co-developed by:
Monohakobi Technology Institute (MTI), subsidiary of NYK LINE
Garroni Progetti S.r.l. = design company in Italy
Elomatic Marine = ship design, consulting & engineering company in Finland
Photo: Click here.