
Research Report on Japan Fuel Cell Market in 2009, Published by Fuji-Keizai

Fuji-Keizai Ltd. carried out the market research on the Japan Fuel Cell market in 2009 and its related market, and published the fuel cell research report, entitled “Future Outlook for Fuel Cell Related Technologies and Market: 2010 Vol.1”.

The essentials of the market research report are:
1) The residential fuel-cell cogeneration or CHP systems will steadily grow.
2) The real market of the FCVs will start in around 2015. After 2020, the FCVs will lead the whole fuel cell market forward.
3) The automobile sub-sector and the home sub-sector have the market share of 92%. The shipments of the fuel cell systems in those sub-sectors will rapidly increase.
4)When the portable fuel cells reach a predetermined amount of shipments, the market will grow since a variety of products use the batteries.

It is not denied that there are many people who deny and have doubts about the relation between co2 increase and the global warming increase. It is believed that the fuel cell is a typical implementation of the renewable power generation technology, and is the device indispensable to the fossil energy substitution. In this sense, much efforts to develop the fuel cell technology for its commercialization must be continuously made particularly from the point of view of the government energy policy. It seems that the residential fuel-cell CHP systems will be market competitive in around 2015, and the market is expected to expand at high rate. At least Panasonic has explicitly expressed that the company will export the FC CHP systems in the future. I hope that the shipments of the residential fuel-cell CHP systems will increase to be in excess of the expected one.

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