1) SOFC Electrolyte Operable at < 300 degrees C
In the oxide artificial superlattice having a multilayer structure consisting of atomic layers, those layers are selectively reduced and oxidized at lower than 300 degrees C.
The oxide artificial superlattice may be used also as a new oxygen storage material.
2) Precise Doping Process. The process is capable of controlling, as desired, the chemical compositions and the structure of the oxide nanosheet of 1 nm thick.
To read more, visit here.
Succeeds in manufacturing low-temp SOFC modules using micro-tube SOFC cells

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SOFC module prototypes using micro-tube SOFC cells were successfully developed. Those SOFC modules operate at 650 degrees of centigrade or lower. A number of miro-tube SOFC cells were integrated into an SOFC unit (Fig. 2). Two SOFC units were combined to form an SOFC module. A total number of micro-tube SOFC cells used for the SOFC module was 90. The output power of the SOFC module was 50 watts or higher. The power generation efficiency was 40% or higher. The power generation density was 2 W/cm3.
Another SOFC module of 200 W output power was also manufactured using eight SOFC units (Fig. 3). The SOFC module, which consists of eight SOFC units, is considerably complex in structure. In this study, the gas manifolds and the current collecting electrodes were further assembled into such a complex integration structure.
Thus, the micro-tube SOFC cell high-density packaging technique for SOFC modules and its evaluation technique were successfully established.
The co-developer has a plan to apply the SOFC module of 200 W output power to APUs (auxiliary power units), small cogeneration systems, etc., and to evaluate the resultants. The results of this study will be presented in The Eleventh International Symposium on Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC-XI)、in Vienna, Austria from October 4-9, 2009
Co-developed by:
AIST (Advanced Industrial Science And Technology)
FCRA (fine ceramics research association)
NGK Spark Plug Co., Ltd
TOHO Gas Co., Ltd.
SOFC is usually used for the large-scale power plant since its operation temperature is high (800-1000 degrees of centigrade). The SOFC has many advantages, for example, of high power generation efficiency, simple structure, and easy maintenance. With those advantages, there is a strong demand for development of small SOFC power generators. The SOFC modules using micro-tube SOFC cells developed this time will for sure satisfy the demand.
[Copyright by FuelCell japan]
The technical development for realizing small SOFC power generation systems is under progress. The SOFC modules, developed this time, are one of the development results and may indicate the present level of the SOFC development. This technology is one of the watchful technologies
Source: AIST’s Press release issued on September 10, 2009
FC Chargers, Now Commercially Available from Aquafairy, and Micro SOFCs

Fuel cell chargers are now commercially available from Aquafairy Corporation in Japan. The chargers came on the market this April. The charger is one of the really commercialized fuel cell products, not many, and is the hot product.
Many medias have reported the FC charger. For its details, refer to the medias. The company’s website also presents the details of the product.
The product name of the charger is AF-M3000. The fuel cell used is of PEFC type. The output power of the charger is 3 W. The price is a little lower than 400 USD. Hydrogen as the fuel is generated in a simple manner that a cartridge containing hydrogen generating agent is set to the charger body and then water is injected into a water port of the charger body. The hydrogen generating agent is calcium hydride. In use, AF-M3000 as the charger is applied to a rechargeable-battery contained device, such as smart phones, mobile phones, mobile game machines, to charge the battery.
With regard to the hydrogen supplying system to the fuel cell system, the company has many useful technologies that have already been developed and are now being developed. Some of those technologies have been incorporated into the product, and other technologies will be incorporated into the same. Some important features are:
1) to on/off control the supply of hydrogen.
2) to control an amount of hydrogen to be produced in accordance with an amount of electric power used. In other words, the Aquafairy’s hydrogen supply control system is capable of controlling the power supply to a device (e.g., note PC) of which the load largely varies, while following up a large load variation. The control function will be incorporated into the charger next Spring.
3) To continuously supply hydrogen fuel to such a device that is operable at low power consumption for a long time. Necessity of the fuel replenishing operation and the recharging operation are completely removed, as a matter of course.
Development of micro SOFC (solid oxide fuel cell) is being actively made worldwide. This tendency is part of movement to replace PEFC with SOFC. The major reason for this is to use the SOFC having many advantages for the power sources of small devices such as mobile phones, note PCs, APU and residential CHP systems. As known, the SOFC is superior to the PEFC in that the power generation efficiency is high, the structure is simple, the durability is high, and a variety of fuels may be used for the fuel.
A company (Germany) has reached a stage where the micro SOFC is successfully assembled into the mobile phone. The SOFC unit used consists of an integration of ceramic tubular SOFC elements each being 3 mm in diameter and 4 to 5 cm in length. The output power of the SOFC unit is 1 W. The primary fuel of the micro SOFC is camping or lighter gas. At least two points are unknown to me. The first is the startup time of the SOFC unit. The second is how to technically deal with the considerably high temperature. The micro SOFC that is assembled into the mobile phone, when it is operating, must be at considerably high temperature.
[Copyright by FuelCell japan]
In Japan, the prototype of the micro SOFC was manufactured at the time of 2006. The prototype was at relatively high levels of performances and reached the stage of mass production. Tubular SOFC elements are integrated into a micro SOFC unit. Each tubular element is about 1 cm in length and 1.6 mm in diameter. The output power of the prototype was 0.17 to 1 W/cm2 at 450 to 570 degrees C. Ceria ceramics was used for the electrodes as well as the electrolyte. At this time, a micro SOFC prototype using tubular elements having 0.8 mm diameter was also manufactured successfully.
The technology levels of the micro SOFCs in Japan seems to be high enough when comparing with those in other countries, so far as I know. The micro SOFCs referred to here is the one developed in an initial stage of the development and had reached a mass production stage. In addition to the micro SOFCs referred to here, there are many other excellent micro-SOFC technologies, which had been developed up to mass production levels. I have never heard that those micro SOFCs have been practically used, however. I don’t understand the reason why any action has been taken to apply those developed SOFCs to practical devices, such as mobile phones and smart phones.
I wrote the blog in light of recent small fuel cells, although it was a casual idea popped up to my mind. I have a plan to write recent micro SOFCs mainly of Japan in the form of report. I am gathering materials for writing the report. The writing work isn’t going as well as I would like. I'm planning to go writing the report in English. I feel that a fewer number of publications on recent micro SOFC technologies in Japan have been presented to general pubic.
I have recently formed the sub-site of Aquafairy Corporation in my website, FuelCell japan. If interested, please visit my website FuelCell japan.
In my website, please click “Companies & Products” on the top page, and then find “Aquafairy Corporation”.
I introduced the company in my blog FuelCell japan-1 about two years ago.
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