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SOFC module prototypes using micro-tube SOFC cells were successfully developed. Those SOFC modules operate at 650 degrees of centigrade or lower. A number of miro-tube SOFC cells were integrated into an SOFC unit (Fig. 2). Two SOFC units were combined to form an SOFC module. A total number of micro-tube SOFC cells used for the SOFC module was 90. The output power of the SOFC module was 50 watts or higher. The power generation efficiency was 40% or higher. The power generation density was 2 W/cm3.
Another SOFC module of 200 W output power was also manufactured using eight SOFC units (Fig. 3). The SOFC module, which consists of eight SOFC units, is considerably complex in structure. In this study, the gas manifolds and the current collecting electrodes were further assembled into such a complex integration structure.
Thus, the micro-tube SOFC cell high-density packaging technique for SOFC modules and its evaluation technique were successfully established.
The co-developer has a plan to apply the SOFC module of 200 W output power to APUs (auxiliary power units), small cogeneration systems, etc., and to evaluate the resultants. The results of this study will be presented in The Eleventh International Symposium on Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC-XI)、in Vienna, Austria from October 4-9, 2009
Co-developed by:
AIST (Advanced Industrial Science And Technology)
FCRA (fine ceramics research association)
NGK Spark Plug Co., Ltd
TOHO Gas Co., Ltd.
SOFC is usually used for the large-scale power plant since its operation temperature is high (800-1000 degrees of centigrade). The SOFC has many advantages, for example, of high power generation efficiency, simple structure, and easy maintenance. With those advantages, there is a strong demand for development of small SOFC power generators. The SOFC modules using micro-tube SOFC cells developed this time will for sure satisfy the demand.
[Copyright by FuelCell japan]
The technical development for realizing small SOFC power generation systems is under progress. The SOFC modules, developed this time, are one of the development results and may indicate the present level of the SOFC development. This technology is one of the watchful technologies
Source: AIST’s Press release issued on September 10, 2009