I will post articles to “FuelCell japan-2”
Study of Polarization Effect and Thermal Stability in Aged Lithium-Ion Battery
Advancements in System Design, Integration & Testing for Safety & Reliability
"Study of Polarization Effect and Thermal Stability in Aged Lithium-Ion Battery"- By Mahmood Tabaddor, PhD, Underwriters Laboratories
Research into the safety performance of lithium-ion cells has increased tremendously in recent years.
Field failures, though rare, may suggest that some failure mechanisms are dependent upon the state of the cell over a period of time, as such rechargeable sources of energy experience many charging and discharging cycles.
UL has hence proposed a project to investigate the safety performance in aged lithium-ion cells.
After a series of study, the polarization effect and the shift in the thermal properties in aged cells are found to be the major causes to safety concerns. >> More
Large Capacity L-ion Battery Technologies and Market Prospects
The major points discussed in the book are the following two.
1) The material technology and the battery technology are both described.
2) Market prospects of L-ion batteries for medium- and large-scale applications, including electric cars.
The lithium resource is plentiful in amount. Lithium is dangerous due to its nature of corrosive and explosive, however. It is an urgent desire to improve the technology to extract lithium from seawater containing an infinite amount of lithium particularly in Japan. The all-solid-state L-ion battery, which copes with the explosive, has been developed to a significant level. Further, the current social circumstance demanding use of clean energy requires acceleration of the research and development of the L-ion battery which stores and discharges electrical energy.
The L-ion battery is expanding its market to the market of medium- to large-scale L-ion batteries for automotive and industrial applications.
Vigorous efforts are focused on development of elemental technologies of L-ion battery such as electrodes and electrolyte, and materials used for them. >> More
"Characterizing Crash Safety of Cylindrical and Pouch Li-ion Batteries using Computational Modeling"
- Advancements in System Design, Integration & Testing for Safety & Reliability
"Characterizing Crash Safety of Cylindrical and Pouch Li-ion Batteries using Computational Modeling"- By Elham Sahraei, PhD and Tomasz Wierzbicki, PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Mechanical integrity of Lithium-ion batteries is one of the most important issues on safety of electric cars, but the least studied topic.
As these batteries are not limited to stationary applications anymore, and are being used in vehicle battery packs, this aspect of their safety is more urgent to be characterized and quantified.
The automotive industry has realized that no battery pack could be rigid enough to ensure zero deformation to battery pack in severe enough crash conditions.
In this research, two common form factors of cylindrical and pouch batteries are characterized for several scenarios of deformation applied to these cells.
A comprehensive testing program was used to characterize the material properties of the cells under combined tension and predominantly compression and shear loading.
Then, computational models of the cells were developed.
The models successfully predict load-deformation trajectory and kinematics of the cell under various types of tests.
Additionally, the models are capable of predicting failure in the jelly-roll of the cell, indicating an internal short-circuit under mechanical deformation.
To compare the pouch and cylindrical cells tested in this research, the cylindrical cell tolerated a load of 5,500N and a deformation of about 7 mm before reaching short circuit,
while the pouch cell tolerated a load of 7,500N and a deformation of 3 mm before failure.
Predicting onset of electric short circuit is a necessary condition for possible thermal runaway.
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L-ion battery monitor chip set for automotive-use L-ion batteries
The new chip set is capable of detecting the residual amounts of battery capacities and troubles, and to equalize the capacity residual amounts of L-ion batteries being used.
The chip set = Monitor IC (TB9141FG) + TMPM358FDTFG (micro-controller) >> More
"High Energy Density Lithium Ion Batteries with Hetero-Hybrid Si/Ge-Carbon Nanotube Anodes"
"High Energy Density Lithium Ion Batteries with Hetero-Hybrid Si/Ge-Carbon Nanotube Anodes"
– By Brian J. Landi, PhD, Rochester Institute of Technology
Combined benefits of LPCVD (low pressure chemical vapor deposition ) or PECVD (plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition) Si with Ge nanoparticles and carbon nanotube has led to an ultra high capacity anode (>1000 mAh/g electrode), along with enhanced coulombic efficiency.
Full batteries incorporating properly matched hetero-hybrid anodes with conventional cathodes shows cell improvements in gravimetric energy density over state-of-the-art by more than 50%
Recent significant innovations within lithium-ion batteries have propelled the technology into a position in the marketplace far exceeding recent market survey results. Breakthroughs in new battery chemistries, novel electrode and electrolyte materials, system integration for a vast array of mobile and portable applications, from micro medical devices to high-energy/high-power automotive, have paved the roadmap for an emerging market with unlimited potential.
* New chemistries & materials to increase energy & decrease cost
* Meeting the EV challenge: cycle life, power & energy, cost and safety
* Advanced materials for improved electrode & electrolyte performance
* Application driven lithium ion battery development
* Advanced technology for greater safety, reliability and performance
* From novel materials and components to systems design and integration
* Role of nanotechnology in improving power and energy density
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Current and Prospective Markets of L-ion Battery Negative-Electrode Materials - 2012 market research report
The world LiB market scale in 2011 is just over 1-Cho Yen, and in 2015 it will be two times or larger than that in 2011. The L-ion batteries are expanding their application from small consumer applications to industrial and automotive applications. The 2011 market scale of the L-ion batteries for automotive applications is a little under 1,000 Oku-Yen. The 2015 market scale will reach around 10 times than in 2011. The 2015 market scale of the L-ion batteries for industrial fields will expand to be around 100 times than in 2011. In the LiB negative-electrode material market, focus will be made on the L-ion batteries for the automotive applications. >> More
Battery Safety 2012, December 6-7, 2012
Widely publicized safety incidents and recalls of lithium-ion batteries have raised legitimate concerns regarding lithium-ion battery safety. Battery Safety 2012 is conveniently timed with Lithium Battery Power 2012, and will address these concerns by exploring the following topics:
* Application specific battery safety issues affecting battery performance
* Major battery degradation and reliability factors
* Battery management systems
* Commercial cells evaluation and failure analysis
* Advances in testing techniques and protocols
* High throughput testing, automation and modeling for better safety
* Standardization and regulatory issues
Participating Organizations to date (related to Japan):
Honda R&D Americas
Kobelco Research Inst., Inc.
Tohoku University
Tosoh USA
Toyo Systems
Toyohashi University of Technology
Distinguished Faculty: Saburo Tanaka, PhD, Toyohashi University of Technology, National University Corporation
Results for second quarter of 2012 for Clean Energy Patent Growth Index
* GRANTED patents reach new high
* Toyota remains champ due to fuel cell and hev patents
* Fuel cell, solar and wind patents Jump
* US Leads-JAPAN Tops Others
* California leads states followed by New York
The Clean Energy Patent Growth Index was again at record levels in the second quarter, topping the previous high mark set in the previous quarter.
Wind, Solar, Hybrid/Electric Vehicle, Biomass/Biofuel patents all reached new highs and
Toyota held onto the quarterly Clean Energy patent Crown for the second straight quarter, after an absence since 2009.
The US led all others on the strength of California, New York and Michigan.
Japan led all other countries, followed by Germany.”
Fuel Cells again led the other components of the CEPGI in the second quarter, but Solar technology patents continued to follow on its heels.
Fuel Cells patents were up 32 patents from the first quarter at 264 and were up 59 over a year prior.
Solar patents (188) continued to dominate the remaining components of the CEPGI at 211, up 23 over the previous quarter and up 89 over the second quarter of 2011.
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New facility for producing LiB anode material
Unique Lithium-air battery – Safely and stably operates at high energy density
The lithium-air (Li-air) battery developed this is uniquely featured by:
1) Electrolytic solution = ionic liquid, and air electrode = carbon nanotube gel.
2) Gel air electrode has a three-dimensional structure including electron conduction, ion conduction and air-diffusion paths.
The Li-air battery, if realized, would be capable of driving the automobile in long-distance. It has a potential to substitute itself for the hydrogen fuel cell. >> More
Lithium Battery Power 2012(10) – December 4 – 5, LasVegas, NV
"Energy Storage 2030: A Technology Roadmap" by Kai-Christian Möller, PhD, Fraunhofer Institute for Chemical Technology
For lithium-ion batteries, that are now considered as the key technology for the dissemination of electro mobility, a detailed roadmap will be given that has been developed under guidance of Fraunhofer by experts from industry and academic research within the innovation Alliance Lithium-Ion-Battery LIB2015", supported by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research.
The roadmap will classify the expected technological developments such as cell components, resulting cell types and their expected properties for the horizon 2012 ・2030. A chronological ranking of the availability and the properties of materials momentarily under development will be the basis for a road map for the development of effective batteries for the application in electric vehicles in future.Last but not least the chances for competitive technologies such as fuel cells and emerging technologies such as lithium metal batteries and redox-flow batteries will be discussed.
8th Li Battery Power & 3rd Battery Safety 2012
「8th Lithium Battery Power」 & 「3rd Battery Safety 2012」がDecember 4 – 6に LasVegas, NVで開催される。45 presentations があり、over 80 organizations が参加する(現時点で)。
>> More details and exactly
Participating Organizations to date:
Honda R&D Americas
Kobelco Research Inst., Inc.
Tohoku University
Tosoh USA
Toyo Systems
Toyohashi University of Technology
Distinguished Faculty: Saburo Tanaka, PhD, Toyohashi University of Technology, National University Corporation
Lithium Battery Power 2012(9) – December 4 – 5, LasVegas, NV
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"Global Lithium-Ion Batteries Market" by Vishal Sapru, Frost & Sullivan, Inc.The presentation will focus on the global market size of the lithium-ion batteries covering consumer, industrial and automotive applications.
The presentation will highlight potential opportunities for lithium-ion batteries in renewable applications, utilities among others.
The focus will also be on some of the emerging chemistries that can be a competitor for lithium-ion in the future.
Talk about mega trends and emerging market.
Battery Safety 2012, December 6-7, 2012
- Advancements in System Design, Integration & Testing for Safety & Reliability -
"Cells' and Battery Safety in High-End Applications" by Frank Puglia, Yardney Technical Products
Yardney batteries are used in multitude of air, land, sea, and space applications and must meet very stringent performance requirements.
Pushing the boundaries of performance of batteries requires concerted efforts dedicated to understanding and implementing battery safety.
The safety-related work at Yardney starts at the fundamental understanding level and extends to cell design improvements as well as the cell pack and battery level developments.
This presentation summarizes the current safety-related advancements at Yardney.
Small fuel cells, some examples in Japan
The small fuel cells will be used as the power sources in places where no power infrastructure is installed and the power infrastructure installed does not reach, and emergency power sources in disaster cases. Particularly in Japan, much interest has been placed on how to secure electric power sources in emergency situations after the 3.11 earthquake/tsunami disaster and the Fukushima nuclear meltdown. There is a strong demand for the small fuel cells in the market. >> More
Hitachi’s DMFC, advancing toward the next step
One of them concerns improvements of the high polymer electrolytic membrane. The result is that the methanol penetration of the electrolytic membrane is reduced half and the DMFC power generation efficiency is improved 5%.
The other concerns catalyst technologies to be applied to the fuel and air electrodes of the DMFC. Those catalyst technologies are free from platinum. The result is that the DMFC incorporating the technologies is reduced by 45% when compared with those using platinum.
Hitachi and CPI (The Centre for Process Innovation Ltd.) have signed an agreement to industrialize the DMFC in England. In the agreement, Hitachi will develop the DMFC and CPI will carry out the demonstration test of the developed DMFC. Hitachi has a long history to develop the DMFC, since 2001. > More
Lithium Battery Power 2012(8) – December 4 – 5, LasVegas, NV
"Nanoporous Substrate materials for Rechargeable Li-Air Batteries" by Hua Cheng, PhD, Newcastle University
The rechargeable Li-air battery has a key role to play for the storage of renewable energy and in future electric vehicles.
But it suffers from cycling fading and low rate capability; cathode materials (including substrate) were identifies as one of main responsible sources.
Here we compare several potential cathode substrates with widely used carbon materials based on results from cycling studies and FTIR measurement. Ag and TiC show promising properties.
Battery Safety 2012, December 6-7, 2012- Advancements in System Design, Integration & Testing for Safety & Reliability
"Mechanisms of catastrophic Battery Failure" by Nicholas Willard, University of Maryland
Battery failure can be generalized into two broad categories, slow progressive degradation and immediate catastrophic failure.
To date, most theoretical work has been performed on the former with little work focusing on how to model, predict, or mitigate the onset of catastrophic failure.
This presentation will explain the root cause mechanisms that lead to catastrophic failure and will offer solutions on how to better predict and handle this problem
Heslin Rothenberg Farley & Mesiti P.C. Announces Shine-On Solar Edition Of Clean Energy Patent Growth Index
* General electric leads pv for 2011
* Solar thermal owners remain scattered
ALBANY, NY—Heslin Rothenberg Farley & Mesiti P.C. is pleased to announce the Shine-On Solar edition of the Clean Energy Patent Growth Index (CEPGI) by the firm’s Cleantech Group.
The Shine On Solar edition of the CEPGI provides an indication of the trends in innovative activity in the Solar energy sector.
Victor Cardona, Co-chair of the firm’s Cleantech Group stated, “Solar patents in 2011 reached levels 60% higher than 2010 and about three times those of 2009.
Solar vastly outperformed the other non-Fuel Cell sectors after hitting a record low in the third quarter of 2008.
Solar PV patents spiked in 2011 to record levels with Second Generation Solar PV patents topping the other generations of PV technology.
General Electric led the other Solar PV patent owners while Solar Thermal patents in 2010 were granted to 28 separate entities all with one patent each.”
The Shine On Solar edition analyzes the Solar sector and illustrates where patents are being granted within the Solar arena. This edition of our Shine On Solar edition analyzes solar energy trends in general with an emphasis on solar patenting trends in 2011.
As depicted below, Solar technology patents in continued to shine- reaching levels nearly three times that of 2009 and vastly outperforming the other non-Fuel Cell sectors after hitting a record low in the third quarter of 2008. >> More
New platinum-ruthenium alloy catalyst, Effectively removes carbon monoxide in hydrogen gas
Additionally, a process in which the catalyzing function appears and the reason why the catalyst highly efficiently functions have been clearly explained with the aide of the tools, including the XAFC station and others in Photon Factory of High Energy Accelerator Research Organization. >> More
Small hydrogen fuel cell – Unique hydrogen generation sheet
A unique small hydrogen fuel cell (FC) battery has been developed.
The battery is removably coupled with a sheet-like plate as the hydrogen source (see Fig. 1). The uniqueness resides in the use of the sheet-like plate. Calcium hydride is solidified into the sheet-like plate. To generate hydrogen, a simple action to drip water on the sheet is only required. The calcium-hydride solid-state sheet stably generates hydrogen when water drips on the sheet. The construction to ensure the stable hydrogen generation is based on the proprietary technology. The FC battery coupled with the hydrogen generation sheet is light in weight and high in output power. The hydrogen generation sheet has a volume of 3cc (38 x 38 x 2 mm3). >> More
Toyota, new electrolyte for all-solid-state Li-ion battery
Solar energy technology-5 (artificial photosynthesis)
More> here.
Solar energy technology-4 (artificial photosynthesis)

Energy Saving Technology-4 (SiC)
Energy Saving Technology-3 (SiC)
Solar energy technology-3 (artificial photosynthesis)
1) Molecules of the material, which are capable of storing high energy of light at low temperature (originally developed), are fixed in and at nano-holes of a unique material.
2) Molecules of the material, which is originally developed in 1) above, together with the molecules, which are easy to react with oxygen, are fixed in and at the nano-holes of the unique material referred to 1) above. It is confirmed that chemical reaction is performed at high efficiency by using solar energy. Osaka University, Prof. Fukusumi, April 2012. More > rvtpe01@hotmail.co.jp
Energy Saving Technology-2 (SiC)
Solar energy technology-2 (artificial photosynthesis)
Another aritificial photosynthesis system for generating a formic acid by using water and CO2 under sunlight, developed by Panasonic. The system is entirely constructed with inorganic materials. Its construction is simple.
The solar energy conversion efficiency is 0.2%, comparable with that of the photosynthesis of a plant. The inorganic material to be synthesized is selectable. Photoelectrode = nitride semiconductor, and electrode for generating the organic material = metal catalysis. Panasonic, July 2012
To learn more, feel free to contact us at rvtpe01@hotmail.co.jp
* Institute for Integrated Cell-Material Sciences (iCeMS), Kyoto University
* Strategic International Research Cooperative Program (Finland-Japan), JST
* Academy of Finland
Energy Saving technology-1 (SiC)
Solar energy technology-1 (artificial photosynthesis)
Toyota’s power supply systems FCV bus
Toyota developed a power supply system for supplying electric power from an FCV (fuel cell vehicle) bus to an external load, for example, home appliances. The system contains two AC outlets (AC100 V, 1.5 kW) and is capable of supplying a maximum of 3 kW power for 100 hours or longer. Toyota is developing another power supply system (V2H system), which supplies power from the FCV bus through electric wires installed in the building. The V2H system has a maximum of 9.8 kW output power and is capable of supplying power continuously for 50 hours, which is equivalent to the lighting power of around 5 days in a gym. To learn more, feel free to contact us at rvtpe01@hotmail.co.jp
Solar energy technologies for next-generation energy
Hydrogen refueling station collocating with gas station to be demonstration-tested
The ENEFARM FC cogenerators are still in the early stage market, which started in 2010. Its price is still high, 2,500,000 yen (x 1/about 80 = usd)s/system. Users may use the subsidy up to 700,000 yen. The price is scheduled to be halved or lower, for example, around 1,000,000 yen in 2015. The technical development aggressively progresses for the price reduction. >> More
Hydrogen fueling station facilities, their semi-full-fledged installation starts soon
Semi-full-fledged installation of hydrogen fueling (H-fueling) station facilities will start soon in Japan.
The Japanese government has decided to take a measure to install H-fueling station facilities that are for supplying hydrogen gas to FCVs. METI will amend the ordinance of the High Pressure Gas Safety Law so as to raise the upper limit of hydrogen gas pressure to 70 MPa, from 35 Mpa. The amendment will be made by this autumn. If the 70 MPa circumstance has been set up, the investors will actively invest in this field. Further, METI has a plan to use a government subsidy to promote the building of H-fueling station facilities. It will request the subsidy budget targeting 1,000 hydrogen stations for the coming fiscal budget. >> More
Electric field observation at atomic scale by electron microscope
The new observing technology will strongly assist the development of new materials particularly for energy devices, such as catalyst materials to be used by batteries and fuel cells. The observing technology is featured by a quartered detector of the scanning transmission electron microscope (STEM) and a new and creative analyzing method for analyzing the data output from the detector.
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New FC platinum-reduction technology-2
New FC platinum-reduction technology-1
H2FC major defects
MgFC major advantages
1) There is no need of the infrastructure to supply fuel to the fuel cell.
2) Mg as fuel can be transported in safe and simple way.
3) The structure of MgFC is simple, and its price is negligibly low compared to that of the hydrogen fuel cell (H2FC).
4) MgFC device per se is light in weight and high in safety.
5) The service life of the MgFC is almost semi-permanent when considered in practical use। 6) The Mg resource is almost limitless। >> More
Magnesium Fuel Cell (MgFC)
Tunami and Magnesium Fuel Cell
Prof. Kohama has experienced "Japan 2011 earthquake/tsunami disaster". He saw real disaster scenes with his own eyes. Power outage occurred. In the situation, time is critical, but victims could not know tsunami/earthquake information. This partly led to expansion of the damages. The following crossed his mind: If electric power supply could be continued for several days, the damage expansion would be minimized. Victims could get moment-to-moment changing disaster conditions from broadcasts. Airconditioners, if operable, would help patients and sick persons keep their health conditions good. This would spur him on to accelerate his MgFC development having thus far been made, I suppose. For an example of MgFC use, see the picture in previous article. More
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Mg Soleil project
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Next generation high-speed transport system
Nihon steel corp. raises a lawsuit against Posco on the reason of “grain-oriented magnetic steel sheet” patent infringement
Artificial-photosynthesis basis hydrogen generation system
Writing of the "Technology Details" on this article has been completed. To read more, please feel free to contact us.
H2 fuel cells still involve many problems to be solved. A typical problem of them is “hydrogen brittlement”. The fuel cells have been much developed and some types of them have entered the early market phase even under the situation, however. In Japan the residential PEFC CHP (combined heat & power cogenerations) systems having been sold are well over 10,000 units in number and installed at ordinary houses and being used for electricity and hot water supply. The CHP systems of the SOFC type have been introduced into the market recently, in addition to the PEFC type CHP systems. FCVs (fuel cell vehicles) will enter the early market phase worldwide in around 2015. Hydrogen is the fuel to those fuel cells. The problem confronting us is how to generate hydrogen as the fuel cleanly, effectively and cheaply.
A hydrogen generation technology is now attracting an attention. The technology is based on the artificial photosynthesis. It originated from Japan. Now, it is being actively investigated widely and worldwide. The hydrogen generation technology generates hydrogen and oxygen by using solar light rays (visible light rays) and a photoelectrode (oxide semiconductor in the technology developed anew, which will be described later), and through the water splitting process.
In the electrolysis conventionally and usually used, paired electrodes are put in an electrolytic solution, and voltage is applied to those electrodes. The voltage difference between the electrodes causes current to flow and to split water. Electric power for the voltage application is fed to the electrolysis system from outside.
On the other hand, the artificial photosynthesis basis hydrogen generation technology excites the photoelectrode by solar light rays and splits water by using current flowing out from the electrode.
A small auxiliary power source is used for assisting the current flow at the present stage of the technology.
In other words, the electrolysis system contains a power source means in itself.
The voltage required to split water is extremely lower than of the conventional electrolysis technology. The auxiliary power source could be reduced to almost zero if the technology further advances.
It is noted that where no auxiliary power source is used, hydrogen is cleanly generated at considerably low voltage.
AIST has recently developed (improved) an innovative artificial photosynthesis basis hydrogen generation technology. The new technology remarkably improves the light-to-hydrogen conversion efficiency. The efficiency = 1.35%. The figure is two times of the conventional electrolysis technology.
A diagram showing a scheme of the artificial-photosynthesis basis hydrogen generation system developed this time is put on my site: http://www.fcpat-japan.com.
Another magnesium fuel cell, developed anew
The Mg FC specifications are: electric capacitor = 60 Ah, and size = 26cm×17cm×10cm. In structure, a negative electrode (active material) = incombustible magnesium, a positive electrode (active material) = oxygen gas, and electrolytic solution = saline solution. The prototype successfully charged 120 mobile phones at 360 W as its output. In use, the saline solution is set to the FC body.
The FC body is normally operable at its rated output power even after it is left for several tens years in a state that the solution not set to the FC body.
The Mg FC is resistant to disasters.
In the case of the hydrogen-based fuel cells currently used, for example, the residential CHP (ENEFARM) reforms city gas to produce hydrogen and uses the produced hydrogen for its fuel. In disaster situation, if the pipe- line feeding city gas is damaged, it is substantially impossible to operate the CHP even in case where the CHP itself is not damaged and could normally operate. On the other hand, the Mg FC is normally operable if the electrolytic solution is available, with its long durability of several tens years.
lytic solution is available and since the durability of the FC is very long, several tens years.
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