
MAZDA approaches TOYOTA for HV key components

Yomiuri-Shimbun reported the following:
MAZDA seems to sound out TOYOTA about supply of key components of the hybrid vehicle (HV) to MAZDA.
For the HV key components, the current status of TOYOTA is that the company’s production capacity insufficiently meets the demand by TOYOTA per se.
TOYOTA launched a new model Prius (hybrid vehicle) on this May.
The number of new Prius HVs having been ordered but not yet delivered to customers is about 200,000. Further, TOYOTA has a plan to increase the number of HVs produced a year to about 1,000,000 in early 2010. TOYOTA is increasing the production capacity of manufacturing the HV’s key components of the HVs in connection with plan.
It is noteworthy how TOYOTA makes a final decision on the approach from MAZDA.
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